Tamara Bleszynski


Serves as Tiara at the waterfall PENGANTIN Tamara Bleszynski to flaunt sexy body in her bikini. In addition, Tamara also had to bathe sun to make her skin look tanned. For Tamara appearances with the bikini has become the norm, so she just hoped fans could distinguish between diperankannya character and his true self.

To change the color of his skin, all because of the demands of the role. In addition, skin color does not affect the daily appearance of this actress. "Yes, because the demands of white film is not smooth so I had to shower the sun to get brown skin. Problem skin color, want items, white or brown is important to continue getting treatment the skin smooth and soft, so I still wear sun block so that the sun is not directly affected, "said Tamara, who was contacted via phone by KapanLagi.com, Tuesday (24/11) yesterday.